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Mentee Roles: ✝ Post‑bac, ✲ Undergraduate student ✭ Junior graduate student

Tian, J., Bennet‑Pierre, G., Tavassolie, N., Newcombe, N., Weinraub, M., Hindman, H. A., Newton, K. J., & Gunderson, E. A.

(in press). A growth mindset message leads parents to choose more challenging informal learning activities. Journal of Intelligence. Special Issue: Spatial Intelligence and Learning.

Tian, J., Ren, K., & Gunderson, E. A. (2023). Verbal labels influence children’s processing of decimal magnitudes. Journal of

Applied Developmental Psychology.

Tian, J., Ren, K., Newcombe, N., Weinraub, M., Vandell, D., & Gunderson, E. A. (2022). Tracing the origins of the STEM

gender gap: Childhood spatial skills contribute to women’s under‑representation in STEM majors. Developmental Science, e13302.

Siegler, R. S. & Tian, J. (2022). Why do we need three rational number notations? The importance of percentages. Advances

in Child Development and Behavior

Tian, J., ✝Leib, E. R., ✝Griger, C., ✭Oppenzato, C. O., & Siegler R. S. (2022). Biased problem distributions in assignments

parallel those in textbooks: Evidence from fraction and decimal arithmetic. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 8(1), 73‑ 88

Tian, J., ✲Dam, S., & Gunderson, E. A. (2022). Spatial skills, but not spatial anxiety, mediate gender differences

in number line estimation. Developmental Psychology, 58(1), 138‑151.

Tian, J., Bartek, V., ✲Rahman, M. Z., & Gunderson, E. A. (2021). Learning improper fractions with the number lines and

the area models. Journal of Cognition and Development, 22(2), 305‑327.

Tian, J., Braithwaite, D. W., & Siegler R. S. (2021). Distributions of textbook problems predict student learning: Data from

decimal arithmetic. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(3), 516‑529.

Siegler, R. S. , Im, S., Schiller, L., Tian, J., & Braithwaite, D. W. (2020). The sleep of reason produces monsters: How

and when biased input shapes mathematics learning. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 2, 413‑435.

Tian, J., Gunderson, E. A. (2020). Teaching fractions to young children. Young Children, 75(4), 62 ‑ 67.

Tian, J., Braithwaite, D. W., & Siegler R. S. (2020). How do people choose among rational number notations?

Cognitive Psychology, 123, 101333.

Wang, C. & Tian, J. (2018). Reminders of mortality alter pain‑evoked potentials in a Chinese sample. Frontiers in

Psychology, 9, 1667.

Tian, J., & Siegler, R. S. (2017). Which type of rational numbers should students learn first? Educational Psychology

Review, 30, 351‑372.

Braithwaite, D. W., Tian, J., & Siegler, R. S. (2017). Do children understand fraction addition? Developmental Science,

21(4), e12601.

Tian, J., & Siegler, R. S. (2017). Fractions learning in children with mathematics difficulties. Journal of Learning

Disabilities, 50(6), 614‑620.

Tian, J. (2017). Difficulty in understanding rational numbers and potential solutions. In P. Lemaire (Eds.), Cognitive

Development from a Strategy Perspective: A Festschrift for Robert Siegler (pp. 233 ‑ 262). London, UK: Routledge.

Zhou, Y., Qin, S., & Tian, J. (2016). Risk perception of air pollution: An exploration of self‑relevancy. Human and Ecological

Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 22(7), 1506‑1518.

Lortie‑Forgues, H., Tian, J., & Siegler, R. S. (2015). Why is learning fraction and decimal arithmetic so difficult?

Developmental Review, 38, 201‑221.

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